
Do we have a boy problem?

“I would say we have a porn problem. Do we have a consent problem? I would say we have a broad social problem that requires all hands-on deck. Parents, peers, schools and faith-based organisations – only when they pull together, will hurt and abuse be reduced. Only when we pull together can we begin to offer a safe society for our girls.” – Marshall Ballantine-Jones (PhD in area of teen porn and prevention). There’s more to say, but not less.


Hey single Christian. Your celibacy is uniquely meaningful.

“While our celibate lives may not be any more exceptional or extraordinary than our friends’ married lives, there is something distinctive about our celibacy. Something unique. Something wonderful.” More fruits from PhD work, from Dani Treweek, the speaker at our Women’s Breakfast this Saturday.


Pastors Are Paid to Stare Out the Window

In my first appointment as an Assistant Minister, my office (oops, study) was right near the window facing our church car park, which lots of people used to pick up at their kids from the primary school next door at 3pm. I used to feel very guilty if I was just sitting there reading a book when people arrived… But the article says, “Pastoral ministry is more art than science, and as such, it requires deeply thinking and deeply formed people to carry it out.”