
28 August 2019

I began attending St Michael’s in 2006, when my family moved into the area from Albion Park. I attended the youth group through my teenage years, and became a leader of the Friday night Junior Youth group in 2013.

Since January 2018, I have had the great privilege of working as the Youth Ministry trainee, where I have had many opportunities to serve in the various ministries here at St Mick’s. But now, as we progress into the second half of the year, my two-year traineeship and my study at Youthworks College are drawing to a close.

So I am taking this opportunity to share with you some of the highlights of my time in this role, and to thank you for your great generosity and support during my time here.

Over the last 6 years as a leader, I have seen God growing the community of young people in our Junior Youth group from an average of 15-20 youth each Friday night, to an average of 25-30. Whilst the success of this ministry can never be measured on numbers alone, it has been a great encouragement to see the courage and boldness of our young people as they invite their friends each week. Better yet, it has been amazing to see many of those sticking around, and becoming regulars themselves.

Last year our youth were involved in a car wash at St Michael’s during the ‘Jesus is’ mission. It was such a joy to see our young people getting involved, with no motive other than loving and serving the community around our church. More than 50 cars were washed, and each left with an invitation to our upcoming church services.

And just last month, a year 6 boy came to the Junior Youth group for the first time ever. He comes from an unchurched background and had never attended any church-related activity. He heard a talk on the resurrection of Jesus, and he was completely convinced. He recognised Jesus as Lord. I sat with him, explained the gospel in simple terms, and then prayed a prayer with him that night. He gave his life to Jesus. I am totally convinced that he has sincerely grasped the truth of the gospel, and will be with us in heaven. I am thankful to God for the privilege of allowing me to be a part of His powerful work in that young man, and in the lives of other young people at St Michael’s! Praise God, that he is doing big things through the Youth Ministry here!

Thank you all for your generous support! My role would not be possible without your financial support and prayers, and I cannot tell you how grateful we are. As my role comes to an end, I ask that you would please continue to support the youth ministry at St Michael’s into the future – God is at work, all you need to do is get on board for the ride!

Matt Shannon
Youth Ministry Trainee