Mission Update: Moore College & Anglican Aid
In May, Mission of the Month giving is divided between Moore College and Anglican Aid’s Overseas Ministry Fund.
Moore College is the official ministry training seminary for Anglican ministers in the Diocese of Sydney, but also educates students from others denominations and groups like CMS and AFES. Give thanks for a good rise in first year enrollments for 2021. You could pray for their faculty and students while they are on Autumn Break now. Also pray for good interest in their Open Week on campus between 10–14 May with Open Night in-person and via live-stream at 7pm on Monday 10 May. Principal, Dr Mark Thompson writes: “We at the College are very grateful for your partnership in this work. We press on together towards the goal, confident in the midst of growing uncertainty around us, joyful rather than fearful, and trusting the sure promise of God that he will make all things new.”
Anglican Aid’s Overseas Ministry Fund supports non-tax-deductible ministry work overseas. One such project with the Diocese of Mara is helping Bunda Bible College provide student scholarships and complete building projects. In Tanzania, many pastors and church workers still have little education and no formal theological training. Bunda Bible College is committed to equipping pastors and lay leaders for gospel ministry. There have been significant developments on the property in recent years (we have previously contributed towards their library!), and the College is well equipped to provide leadership, training and development in the future.
Parish Council Update: April
- After Bible reading and prayer, the first meeting of the newly elected Parish Council welcome Rob Thomas as a new Warden and Annie Tenhave as a new Councillor.
- We reviewed Easter services with thanks for good attendance emerging from COVID.
- We gave thanks for the work of Andy Stevenon’s as chairman of the KYCK conference, in strengthening it over multiple weekends at Katoomba for wider gospel good.
- We noted a good balance of theology and skills at the Leaders’ Development Day.
- We noted the AGM’s thankfulness for Mia David’s work as Safe Ministry Rep, and its appreciation for the hiring of Catriona Williams as Administrator and her great work.
- PC also noted the recommendation to consider appointing someone to head up the Easy English Ministry and took this as ‘in principle’ encouragement for this direction that Sandy had already flagged and which PC had endorsed. A draft job description has been tabled at PC, also looking for gifts in evangelism. One way to practically show your support for this intention is by your giving in 2021, so that we can meet or exceed our budget this year, since this indicates financial health to take another step.
- PC has also asked Catriona and Sandy to consult further about the Property or Facilities Manager suggestion made at the AGM.
- PC spent some time considering options for how to work effectively with such a large membership of 15 in total, and is considering pairing members up to take special responsibility for advancing work in various portfolio areas.