“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4
My wife, Margaret, and I are in our third year of being involved in the young adults’ Bible study ministry. When first asked, we were somewhat hesitant – we’re a generation older than the other members of our study (until recently!) and we wondered what on earth could we offer to this ministry.
I am so glad that we said ‘yes’, as our time in young adults ministry has been so fulfilling. We’ve been blessed with groups of young adults keen to open God’s word and share their lives with us – the ups and the downs. We all enjoy the different perspectives we bring with our different life experiences. Our group is our extended family.
One member of our study was a new Christian and moved back to Sydney; we meet online once a week to read the Bible together. We were only sharing recently how much inspiration we get from one another. My inspiration comes from seeing him hanging on every word and looking forward to each passage we read. His inspiration comes from the fact that someone more than twice his age is still keen to continue reading God’s word.
We’ve had more leaders of our vintage join the ministry, and it’s a shared experience in the joy that it brings everyone.
It’s fun being called Melonhead (my huge bald head looks like a melon on a Zoom screen) and I love that each week we get to read the Bible together, share life and pray for one another. We love meeting together in person, and continue meeting in lockdown with the wonders of technology.
Sometimes I catch myself pondering if we have a ‘used-by date’ in this ministry, but I soon push those thoughts aside because my experience these past three years tells me there are many more years left for us – God willing!
If you’re not in a study (‘growth group’), please consider joining one because of the joy and enrichment it brings. As a large church with many services, there is an abundance of groups to join. Ask Liam or Stacey for help joining a group.
God’s word is powerful for everyone. Bible studies give us the opportunity to commend God’s works to each other and declare His mighty acts.
Rob Thomas
Warden, 7pm Congregation