Note: This is not a sponsored post, just thankful reflections.
I, like you I am sure, am very thankful for the faithful service of Sandy and Karyn Grant over many years. Sandy welcomed me to church as a 19-year-old uni student, fresh from country NSW. The Grants did marriage prep with Skye and I, and Sandy married us at the church. I know he has been prayerful through the ups and downs of my life. For the last 2 years I have had the pleasure of being trained in ministry at church and have learnt much that will keep me in good stead: Leading in ministry means you are a servant, care and pray for individuals, always see where the Bible hits you personally before trying to preach it to others, and theology matters. There are many more of course.
One more thing I’ve observed in practice as we come to say farewell. Sandy, while gladly receiving thanks and encouragement, has not sought it. He has even been quicker of late to point out his own flaws. This is not to say don’t encourage Sandy and Karyn! It is good and right to do so, particularly as they finish up.
Sandy’s desire in leaving has been, as it always has been, to point to Christ.
A few examples: I was encouraged that upon announcing his new role as Dean of Sydney, Sandy’s first words to the congregation were along the lines of ‘’.
“I’m excited to run Simply Christianity one more time”
His last sermon series was on ‘faith, hope and love’. These point us to Jesus, in whom our faith is in, our hope is found, and who personifies love.
In Sandy’s last staff meeting, when given the floor for final words to staff, he commented on his thankfulness for the staff, and for the faithful members of the church, and for God’s kindness.
What last lesson can we take from the Grants? How do we continue to honour their service to the church?
This weekend we thank God for them and for how God has used them here. Afterwards, we continue to uphold them in prayer, we pray for the selection of godly new Senior Minister, and we continue to be a church that looks always to Christ in all things.
Mitch Walker
Ministry Trainee