
 Parish Council Update | May

  • We opened the meeting with bible reading (Genesis 4:19-22) and prayer – reflecting that right after the fall we’re reading that life still has room for play and good things. Praise God!
  • We received a report from Samantha Lowcock, our Safe Ministry Representative
    • At present we have 140 people with a verified and valid Working With Children Check, 115 of those also have their Safe Ministry Training up to date, 98 have also completed and have a Safe Ministry Check approved. We have 93 regular leaders (including 14 junior leaders) who volunteer with different groups (Kids programs on Sunday, Kids’ Spots, Kids Club, JBS, Youth Groups, SRE, Creche on Wednesday).
    • We were encouraged to complete Safe Ministry Training given that it’s about ministering and caring for vulnerable people (not just under 18y olds)
  • We received updates on the progress of the mission including encouraging news about Simply Christianity (~18 people), Youth attendance at KYCK and the number of confirmees.
  • We discussed and reflected on feedback received concerning the 9:45am Livestream, with this information to be provided to the Mark and the Ministry Team to make decisions. We encouraged Ministry Staff to engage and provide feedback regarding any decisions made.
  • We formally thanked Anthony Douglas for his outstanding service as Acting Rector.
  • We received a financial update: YTD Offertory below budget for 2022 (5% or ~$13K) and YTD down on $3K or 1.2% lower than last year. Last year we appealed for an increase in giving for 2022 but we aren’t completely realising those funds. However, without a Senior Minister F/T we have had some savings on YTD expenses. The interest rate (4.25%) for our loans ($512K) is not tied to the Reserve Bank and will not change.
  • We discussed the future of the downstairs hall and further works to make it a more functional space and improve damp/drainage issues.
  • We received an update on the Cathedral works – the interior sandstone platform has been cleaned, the Tanko window has been re-pointed and we are still awaiting works to rectify the leaks at the rear of the building.


June Mission of the Month | Church Missionary Society (CMS)

The Church Missionary Society (CMS) is a fellowship of Christian people and churches committed to global mission. We work with churches to set apart long-term workers who cross cultures to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Find out more at cms.org.au