
Are you sick of hearing it? Or does it warm your heart?

Can you recite it? Or have you  zoned out?

What’s our vision at St Michael’s?

To see more disciples of Jesus shining as lights in our city.

As I said on Sunday, there’s a lot in that little statement.

And it’s a vision for all of us, and a vision that includes all of us.

Someone quipped on Sunday that the announcements were a team sport – lots of people involved! But church is a team sport – that’s why the Bible’s pictures of church include a body, a family, a building. (Was there team sport in the first century?)

Church belongs to Jesus and he’s our focus, but other than him, it’s not just about one person, or a few people, or even half the people. Church is all of us.

That’s why, as a church, we’re committed to each other.

And it’s why we’re committed to us as a church, as the body of Christ, using what we have been given by God to serve the gospel and bless this city – the community we live in.

We have been given so much – in the Lord Jesus, and in the family of his people here. We are richly blessed and we want to use what we have been given so that the body of Christ here in this place will be built up, and so that others will come to know Jesus.

As someone who has been blessed to be part of the body of Christ here for a long time, I’m really thankful for the ways in which people do serve one another and the community.

As a staff team, we’re thankful for the multitude of ways in which people use what God has given them to serve others. As the apostle Paul says we thank God on every remembrance of you because of your partnership in the gospel.

And we want to keep on making sure that collectively, we use what we have been given well, and in a way that blesses the whole church and the community around us.

That’s why we’re trying to implement a system that will work across the whole church – 6 congregations.

And it’s why we’d love as many as possible to be involved in serving in some way – to consider how to use your gifts for the building up of the body and so that we see more disciples of Jesus shing as lights in our city.

So what now?

There are three things for you to do. (Hopefully you started on Sunday!)

  1. Reflect on what God has given you. Pray about how you can use it to serve.
  2. Check out the website then fill in the form. That’s everyone! I’m declaring a blank slate on serving and asking everyone to think about it afresh.
  3. Put your unavailabilities for summer and term one in Elvanto.

Stacey Chapman | Assistant Minister