
2024 at St Michael’s was seasoned with ‘dependent discipleship’. Grounded in God’s goodness, we sought to see more disciples of Jesus, shining as lights in our city. ‘Dependent discipleship’ means seeking to imitate Him (discipleship), entirely in His strength. Dependence means deferring to His voice in Scripture, relying on His wisdom, not our insights. We looked together at John & Hebrews with their ‘high view’ of Christ. Dependence means asking – seeking a richer prayer life to ground any ‘shining’ we’ll do in the city. “To pray is to accept that we are, and always will be, wholly dependent on God for everything” (Keller). We learnt from the Psalms, focussed on prayer at our Day Conference, and heard testimonies in church of member’s experiences of prayer. 

Our confidence is not just in God’s goodness, but His power. Goodness and power that are bigger than our circumstances. Paul writes while imprisoned:  

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3v20-21) 

God does more in and through those who depend on Him than we could dare to ask or imagine. In His kindness, He’s been growing that trust in us over the past year. Some Growth Group leaders reflected on prayer in their groups, and shared the following:

  • ‘We have discussed our own prayer lives in a more open and honest way and learned from one another how to pray more honestly before God.‘ 
  • Our group has grown in concern and prayers for one another, often following up with one another on various prayer points shared.
  • Our prayer time was always good but I think people have been sharing things God has been teaching them more this year than any other.’
  • ‘Group members have helped each other by sharing routine/habit forming tips to help each other pray and read the Bible more habitually. We’ve also been more actively praying for non-Christian friends and family regularly. 
  • Our group is much more comfortable with praying for longer periods.‘ 
  • Prayer has been a bigger part of Growth Group this year, rather than a quick tack onto the end of the night / Growth Group time. There has been more sharing of prayers throughout the week and great praise when prayers have been answered and acknowledged. New Christians are getting more use to open/public praying.

As we look to 2025, remember to cling to God’s goodness and power, for His glory. 

In Him, 

Mark Smith
Senior Minister | Congregational Pastor 8am & 7pm