Minister's Letters


7 February 2019 I’m looking for a new hashtag. A hashtag is a phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media to identify messages on a specific…
March 24, 2021
Minister's Letters

Use Your Words

28 February 2019 We were rescued by God’s word. By His message. Jesus was that message. His message is about love and rescue; rescue from what we deserve, into God’s…
March 24, 2021
Minister's Letters


6 March 2019 During the season of autumn, we make ‘E for Evangelism’ our area of extra focus in the ‘4E’ process of disciple-making. (Engaging the community; Evangelising the lost; Establishing believers in the faith; Equipping you…
March 24, 2021
Minister's Letters

What’s the Answer?

21 March 2019 Who created God? Why does God kill people? What about dinosaurs? Will our pet dog be in Heaven? Will there be surfing in Heaven? Is Grandma in…
March 24, 2021