
A Minister’s message from Hosea Luy

The HSC has just started for our Year 12 students. For most of us, the HSC is a memory. Maybe it was the most pressure you had felt in your life until then. You might have been burdened by the expectation of being judged by your marks. If you could say anything to your Year 12 self, what would you say?

I did the HSC in 2011. I put a bunch of pressure on myself. There’s a big truth that I was missing. I wasn’t seeing myself as God saw me. Another truth is that worries and pressure don’t stop after the HSC. We need God’s hope and perspective for all of life.

Here’s a video I filmed back in 2020 for HSC students reminding them (and all of us!) the great hope we can have during the HSC and all of life: