Jesus values the emotional, spiritual and physical safety of all people, and protects those who are vulnerable. That’s why at St Michael’s we uphold policies of the Sydney Anglican Diocese intended to create safe environments for ministry, as well as recognising and preventing abuse.
Pastoral care for members is primarily organised through our small groups (growth groups). If you are not in a group, or have more considerable care needs, please talk to your congregational pastor.
Safe Ministry
St Michael’s requires all leaders who work with children, youth or other vulnerable people to have a current Working With Children Check, complete Safe Ministry Training and complete a Safe Ministry Check. You can find more information about this at the Safe Ministry site.
While this training is not a requirement for other ministry areas, we strongly encourage all leaders and members to complete and remain up to date with Safe Ministry training, and are happy to reimburse costs if needed. Get in touch with our Safe Ministry Representative by emailing
The Sydney Diocese requires anyone in a position of authority within the church and anyone working with children or young people, who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child or young person is at risk of significant harm to report their suspicions to the authorities:
- Reports can be made to the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). If a situation requires emergency assistance, first contact the police on 000 before making any report to the Helpline.
- Where the alleged perpetrator is a church worker (‘worker’ includes both paid staff and volunteers) a report must be made to the Sydney Diocese Professional Standards Unit (PSU) online or by calling 1800 774 945

Domestic and Family Violence
Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour based on using power and control over another, causing fear and intimidation. You can speak to someone today, or call: 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) or Anglicare Counselling (1300 651 728) or NSW DV Hotline (1800 656 463). We have requested all staff to complete the Sydney Diocese Know Domestic Abuse training course, and encourage all members to do so as well.
We care about your privacy, and so records kept to enable effective ministry to you are treated with care. You can find our privacy policy here.