Facilities and Accessibility

Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Luke 14:12-14

Wheelchair-Accessible Ramp

At our Wollongong site, a wheelchair accessible ramp – in line with Australian standards – connects the cathedral, office and hall from our church car park. There is also a space designated for disabled parking only. There is room for wheelchairs both at the front and the rear of the main body of the cathedral – the seats in this space can be easily stacked to make space, please ask us.

Our Corrimal site has ramp access to the Hall where we hold church services. There’s plenty of space for wheelchairs and walkers.

Accessible Toilets

You can find accessible toilets (built to current standards) available in the Wollongong Church Hall. This room also includes a baby change table. Please inquire for directions as needed.

At Corrimal, you’ll find an accessible toilet within the ministry centre. 

Large-Print Bibles and Prayer Booklets

Available upon request in limited quantities during church services in the cathedral. We can also help you purchase your own copy. At our 8am service we provide service sheets with large font.

A Hearing-Aid Loop

There is a hearing-aid loop installed in the cathedral. Please sit in the 2nd-8th rows of the cathedral in the main central body of the building, as marked. Please switch your hearing aid to the ‘T-Switch’ setting.


We are grateful to Christian Blind Mission’s Luke 14 initiative for help in making improvements in our accessibility. The Social Issues Executive of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney have a helpful briefing on the topic, “Who has a disability?”.

Parents’ Room & Audio-Visual Feed

At both sites we have a space for parents or carers to look after young children, with an audio-visual feed and volume control available. There is also change tables available in the accessible toilets at both sites.

Vision-Friendly Data Projections

These can normally be expected at church, as we use large font sizes by default, often with white font on a dark background. We have been advised that this is the most helpful for aiding clear vision. If you have other suggestions for improvements at St Michael’s, please contact us.

Seating and Comfort

As a heritage building, the Wollongong Church is required to have pews, but where we’re able we’ve made soft chairs available for those who require them including pregnant women, people with back issues and for those for whom pews cause pain or discomfort. We can also stack chairs in the northern transept (courtyard side) to make space for those with wheelchairs, walkers or prams. Please consider this when selecting a seat.

At our Corrimal site we have soft chairs throughout the building and plenty of space for those with wheelchairs, walkers or prams.