Sunday Kids’ Program

Come along to any of our family services (9:45am, 10:00am, 11:30am or 5pm) during school terms* and your kids can join us for our kids’ programs where they’ll enjoy age-appropriate Bible exploration, music, prayer, games and craft. You’re also welcome to keep your children with you in church or sit in the parents/carer’s rooms where there is an AV feed.

Crèche is for children under 4 years of age. Children are welcome to join crèche once they are able to sit on their own. In this program, we allow a fair chunk of free play and exploration as children grow in their understanding of themselves and the world that God has placed them in.

LITTLES are our children from the year before school up to Year 2 and BIGS are our kids in Years 3 to 5. In this program, the children explore the same big idea in multiple ways, with the older children given plenty of time to ask questions and discuss in depth.

* During school holidays, we have a break from our regular kids ministry programs. We welcome the chance to have kids remain in the service (with their parents and carers) to join in worshipping and learning from God’s word together! Practically, we invite you to bring pencil cases for activity or sermon note sheets. Joyful noise and wriggling is expected – but for families who’d like a bit more space, the parents/carers’ rooms (with AV link) are available.

Safe Ministry
All leaders and volunteers across our children’s programs at St Michael’s are Safe Ministry (child protection) Trained and have been through a screening process, so you can rest assured that your children will be safe and appropriately cared for.

Special Religious Education (SRE)

If you have a child enrolled in a local public primary school, make sure you ‘opt in’ to Christian Special Religious Education to ensure that they have the chance to be taught from the Bible weekly for the entire 6 years. To find out more head to

Get in Touch!

Come along and check things out, we’d love to meet you!

Contact our Children’s Minister Meaghan if you have any questions:

Kids Club

Children in Years 2-5 are invited to Kids Club!

When? Fridays, 5-6.30pm during school terms in the church hall.

More information here.

Bible Resources for Kids, Parents & Families

Quizworx at Home Delivery

Sign up to receive access to kids talk videos & accompanying resources!

Kids’ Talks with Colin

A video series featuring short talks, Bible readings, prayers & music with Colin Buchanan (Compassion).

Kids Church Playlist

A Spotify playlist of all the songs we sing at Kids Church.

Mission is for Kids Too!

Here you’ll find prayer & activity sheets, creative ways to share the gospel without knowing the same language, & some encouragement on how to get started as a local missionary.

Kids Pray

Kids Read

The 555 Challenge