
Mission Update – WCCEB

In August, Mission of the Month giving is directed to the Wollongong Combined Churches Education Board (WCCEB). So if you direct electronic giving to the church account as  ‘Mission’ then in August it passes onto the WCCEB. This ‘Scripture Board’ employs part-time SRE (‘Special Religious Education’) teachers in the following schools on our area:

  • Keira High School – James Ulrich
  • Wollongong High School Performing Arts – Heather Sitepu
  • Smiths Hills High School – Samar Mikhael
  • Illawarra Sport High School, Berkeley – Heather Sitepu
  • Figtree High School – Naomi Lowth


It’s obviously been a disrupted start to Term 3, with different schools working out different access options for our school teachers.  Pray for them and for our voluntary primary school SRE teachers who are awaiting the return of physical classes. Pray that SRE teachers can work productively with school leadership for COVID-safe classes. Pray that students will be keen to pick up with Scripture classes once again, with positive attitudes leading even more kids to opt-in. Pray for our teachers to be helpful and sensitive when ministering to students with anxiety or other mental health challenges.  And pray that the Holy Spirit will work through God’s word as they teach.


Give thanks for Andy Stevenson’s long-term chairmanship of WCCEB. And praise God that he can continue in this role, as he leaves the church staff but remains a member here.


Parish Council Update: July

  • We began with a Bible reading (Psalm 116) and prayer.
  • We confirmed the appointment of Samantha Lowcock as our Safe Ministry Rep.
  • We received Catriona Williams’ report on her 16 months as Parish Administrator, just before she goes on maternity leave, with great thanks to God for all she has done.
  • We noted advice about COVID-enforced cancellation/postponements of ministry events and activities. We also responded to Sandy’s inquiry about ways of getting greater engagement from the Livestream viewers with some suggestions.
  • We spent considerable time listening to various options for our staffing needs next year, in light of the announcement of Andy Stevenson’s resignation early in October to begin as Youthworks’ Head of Ministry Support & Training. As well as providing properly for Youth Ministry and Night Church, our other current priorities remain investing in the future via ministry trainees and someone with a full-time focus on Easy English ministries, if possible. There are various options being explored for how all this combines within our budget.
  • June was a poor month for offertory, 13% below budget (and 5.8% behind for YTD), although we are pleased to note almost $39K in the National Trust restoration fund, which will help with extra expenses for the bell repairs that we now see are needed.
  • With thanks to God for the life of Paul Rowland, late of Night Church, a large donation has been received which the Parish Council has directed towards part or full subsidies (according to need) towards the attendance of youth, and youth and kid’s leaders at suitable conferences (such as LiT and our own youth camp) as an investment in teenage discipleship and leadership training. Please apply to Andy or Meaghan.