
As July is a 5 Sunday month, we are supporting two Missions of the Month! Please write “MoM” in the description field if internet banking or place in the MoM side if donating via envelope. 

Scripture Union

Scripture Union is a worldwide interdenominational Christian mission movement ministering to children, young people and families.

The Scripture Union Family Missions (SUFM) are held each Christmas holidays at various caravan parks along the coast. Many members of St Michael’s are regular volunteers at these ‘Beach Missions’.

In NSW alone over 3,000 volunteers of all ages are involved in Scripture Union NSW’s ministries every year.

Scripture Union also provide Interschool Christian Fellowship Camps (ISCF) and school lunch time groups (SUPA).



Gideons International Australia is a not for profit organization that distributes bibles and New Testaments and is often recognized for their work with hotels. However, scriptures are also placed in other strategic locations; hospitals, nursing homes and other aged care facilities, medical & allied health offices, prisons & homeless shelters.

Gideons want to makes it possible for others to learn about the love of God by giving them access to His Word!

Members of The Gideons International also personally share their faith and witness as they distribute God’s Word to secondary and tertiary students; police, fire, medical & other emergency service personnel, and military personnel

It has been over 110 years since The Gideons International placed the first Bible in a hotel room. Through the grace of God and through the loving support countless donors, more than 2 billion Bible and New Testaments have been placed by Gideons International. The 1st billon over 93 years (until 2001) then the 2nd billion in just 13 years.
