
Over the last 3 years I’ve had the pleasure of serving and coordinating meals for over 100 church camps. Each camp is different. But they all bring opportunities to bless others, and be blessed yourself. From my experience, the following things will help you get the most out of Church Camp.

  1. Expect to meet new people. God has kindly blessed our church family with many people across 5 congregations. Church camp is an amazing opportunity to get a little outside your comfort zone and meet some new people from our family. Sure, it’s great to hang out with your current friends but use every chance you get to chat to one of your brothers or sisters you may not know as well. You won’t regret it.
  2. Expect to help! There are many ways to contribute. Ask a parent of young children or someone with mobility difficulties if they need a hand getting to the next session. Clear the table after meals. The small things really matter. Sharing lives with each other means sharing the load.
  3. Shine as lights in the ‘city’ we are in. Camp will be full of discipleship opportunities. There will be chances to encourage others with words and through actions all the time. How good.
  4. Pray and prepare. Please be praying for our hard-working camp organisers, those serving us, and for Mark as he prepares to speak to us. Pray for yourself, that you may have an open heart to respond to the talks and have good fellowship with others. Pray for those who will find Jesus for the first time or in a new way at church camp. Pray that God will grow his kingdom and give us a glimpse of heaven.

I’m so excited to finally be back on camp this year. May it be useful for equipping us all for service and an encouraging time of fellowship.

Deborah Dean