
Hopefully by now, many of you have watched our 2 minute snapshot video of the Mini Olympics Kids Holiday Club. I can’t apologise enough for my poor iMovie skilz (misspelling intended) or lack of video editing software. What can I say except ‘pray for me’?

Jokes aside though, the week was a HUGE encouragement!

We began at Corrimal on a frosty Monday morning; the team working mostly in silence in the still of the morning to set up the site. After came prayer and then the excitement of seeing nervous smiling faces starting to arrive. The calm presence of Eva, the relaxed nature of Trefor and playful nature of Noah, meant the kids were soon introducing themselves and throwing themselves into the days’ activities. Give thanks that we are all made in His image but all so unique and useful carrying out His work.

At Corrimal, we saw 17 kids come along – a whopping 16 not from St Micks – but all connections from faithful SRE teachers inviting their students to join us! Praise God for them! Much competition was had and the gospel shared through drama, and then at lunchtime on the second day the kids asked Ben if they could read the Bible with him. Out of nowhere! Of course, he obliged and they spent some time reading stories and discussing their content. How good is God! How deeply he cares for us and delights when we join in His work. 

Wollongong had the same set-up and program, and God brought along 22 kids, 6 of whom were from the wider community, mostly through the kids inviting their mates but also 1 or 2 SRE connections. Praise God for Christian kids and their parents for discipling them by modelling genuine relationships with all people and how to be an inviter. 

Praise God for the way he sustained Teagan through her busy term of teaching and then straight into coordinating a significant chunk of the program; also for servant hearted kids’ ministry leaders like Finella who jumped in on her day off when another leader was unable to make it. Please continue to pray for ongoing connection with the community families. Connection to us, to other Christians and to the truth of His love.

All glory be to God,

Meaghan Gates
Assistant Minister (Children)