
Stott / Stott / Stott (at 100, the truly anti-celebrity pastor)

Just over a week ago, it was the centenary of the birth of John Stott, whom I sometimes call the greatest Anglican never to become bishop!

It might seem strange to devote my “three of the week” to one man, all the more when we are preaching through 1 Corinthians which warns us against factionalism, and in a day when celebrity pastors or ministers with strong personalities have sometimes done serious damage.

And yet, John Stott in his humility and biblical conviction gives us a great model for Christian living and ministry. I think we can safely say something similar about him, as Paul said about himself: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1)


Preaching in Australia (1965–2015)

Peter Adam explains that John Stott was critical in transforming preaching in Australia by demonstrating the obvious value of preaching from consecutive passages of Scripture.


John Stott at 100: Why Evangelicals Still Need Him

Southern Baptist, Russell Moore, challenges tribalism and compromise as he writes, “Stott’s influence endures because he refused to lump or to split except in ways that he found demanded by the gospel.”


John Stott Would Want Us to Stop, Study, and Struggle

The American Anglican Pastor, John Yates III writes, “As his study assistant, I saw how the steadfast suffering of careful thinking resulted in balanced biblical Christianity…”